Computer CID Detailed Features

List of Technical keyfeatures in Computer CID software :

  • Monitors-records-captures all employee activities in five different formats: images, text, snapshots, video and voice
  • This software works 100 % confidentially and silently.Starts working in background at system boot without informing people working on server or client computers. Your staff members will never come to know that Computer CID is installed and watching & recording their activities every moment.Even computer experts or hackers or maintenance people can not threads of this software.
  • No need to visit client computers to check activities of employees.You can fetch recorded data to your own computer for viewing purpose.
  • Works for both,domain & workgroup(peer-to-peer),type networks.No dedicated server or computer required.You can make server to any computer or your personal laptop.Fully compatible with diskless client systems(thin clients) and any version of Microsoft Windows.
  • Computer CID is totally invisible.You will NOT find any symptom in hard disk,control panel,add/remove programs,application list,process list,windows services etc. Software is invisible and recordings are encrypted.Not traceable at all.
  • Get all recordings of client computers on your email address everyday.Check and keep watch on office activities when you are out of office and not around.
  • Get recording with exact date-time-user information.
  • Captures and analyzes user activity to ensure adherence to acceptable use policies,stop leakage or theft of company information, and meet compliance requirements
  • Eliminates frivolous and wasteful user activities.
  • Increases employee productivity. Reduces company liability. Reduces Legal Risk.
  • Also records conversation of staff members confidentially. Know what your staff is thinking and talking about you and your company.
  • Records porn-adult-sexual websites visited.
  • Identify, track, and manage security breaches.
  • Receive immediate notifications regarding critical events via email.
  • After installing, you never have to visit the computer again. Settings can be adjusted online.
  • Its a completely secure solution. It works hidden from monitored users. Recordings are strongly encrypted and cannot be seen by monitored users.
  • Computer CID has become the no.1 computer network activity recording & employee monitoring software because it records everything(an employee does on the computer and on the Internet) with responsibility and delivers the truth to employers to save their hard-earned money and reputation. This software has been selected by the experts as Best in Class.
  • Computer CID records emails sent and received, web sites visited, programs run, network bandwidth used, files downloaded,all keypressed & mousepressed,porn-adult websites visited,facebook-orkut-twitter and other social sites visited, conversation made in office,documents and letter opened-created-modified, internet used, web searches made,password entered, confidential files such as quotation-bills-purchase price list tempered/changed,cyber crime done,illegal activities made,network computers used,files shared and transferred,folders and files copied/stolen on CD/pen drive,files and softwares downloaded,Video CDs/DVD watched, instant messages sent, chat conversations made, IP address hacked, server hacked , websites& data hacked and all other major/minot activities made on computer system with exact date- time – user information.
  • In addition, Computer CID takes photographs to create the equivalent of a digital surveillance tape, so you can see the EXACT sequence of everything your employees are doing, step by step
  • This detailed recorded information is automatically organized for easy analysis and reporting, making monitoring thorough, yet fast and simple, providing you with all the evidence you need to prove guilt or innocence.
  • Record,capture,analyze and report on everything employees do at the PC and on the Internet, to prove both suspicions and accusations of wrongdoing.
  • It is advisable to understand the technical matters related to Computer CID to provide good services and support. Please read the points carefully mentioned below and follow then during installation. Technical matters related to Computer CID :
  • During installation if you face any error code then you do not have to worry.Just IGNORE it or press OK button.It shows that required drivers are already available in computer.
  • Internet explorer 8 should be installed in every computer.If lower version is installed,you can update it to version 8 anytime.
  • If you want to install the package on windows 7 system,you should disable Desktop windows manager services manually.
  • Your system should be free from viruses and spyware for successful operation for a lifetime
  • Also records conversation of staff members confidentially.Know what your staff is thinking and talking about you and your company.Very powerful and useful feature. From 1 main single computer you can monitor unlimited computers for e.g 10,20 500 pcs ,as many no. of pcs on lan network in your Office
  • COMPUTER CID Available in Two Licence :
  • You should install the package in administrator of every computer.
  • 1)For Multi-User (Admin + Users) - 1+2, 1+4, 1+6, 1+10, 1+15 on Lan network & also
    2)For Single User-Single pc.